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  • Writer's pictureJodie Louise


Hello everyone and welcome to my blog! I hope you are all well! This is a follow up from my recent post ‘My Relationship With Negativity’ (check it out if you haven’t already), whereby to try and change my thought process I attempted a no complaining for 24 hours challenge.

So, after reading ‘The 5 Second Rule’ by Mel Robbins, I signed up to her 31 free ‘coaching sessions’ (basically just videos with a little task to do at the end), and the first one was not to complain for 24 hours. Sounds easy, I mean how much does one complain about in 24 hours? I’m going to smash this!

No. Not quite.

Although I did successfully not complain for 24 hours, it wasn’t as easy as I had imagined. When you are actively trying not to complain, it’s so strange just how much you complain about! I was finding myself moaning about little things like the shower leaking, or my partner forgetting to take the bin out. Such trivial things, yet they had a huge impact on my mood. One complaint would lead to another complaint would lead to another.

It really did have an impact on me. I focused on such minor things and forgot what I should be grateful for. I found myself humbling and my mood lifting. Problems can be solved and shouldn’t take precedence over every other thing in your life. Focus, instead, on the positive things. I turned a “I hate that I don’t see my boyfriend as much anymore”, to a “I’m thankful he’s working to support me, and I’m proud that he’s in a job that he adores and deserves”.

Not only does this trick help you feel better, but it will also make your partner/friends/family/whoever feel really great about themselves as well because they feel valued.

I still have my moments, but turning these little minor issues into something to be grateful for has had a massive improvement on my mood.

I challenge all of you to do the no complaining for 24 hours challenge! I’d love to see how you get on!

Thank you so much for reading. Remember to follow to get more updates on my blog posts!

Love always, Jodie xx

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Hello everyone and welcome to my blog! I hope you are all well! Today I am going to be talking about something that I actually didn’t plan on talking about. But, I’ve had a rough couple of weeks with

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