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  • Writer's pictureJodie Louise


Hello everyone, I hope you are well and welcome to my blog!

So I have been in Nottingham for some time now and still struggling to find a job. As someone who works a lot and used to barely having any free time, being unemployed is a huge shake to the system for me and I’ve been finding myself feeling a little bit down and sorry for myself. So, I have derived a list of tricks that I do that have helped me cope with being unemployed and I hope that it will help others as well!

1). Treat your day as if it were your job! Set your alarm early as if you were going to work, be it at 5am or 7am, and finish your tasks at a certain time as if you were at work as well, so like 5 or 6pm. While being unemployed it’s easy to have more lay-ins and have ‘lazy days’, but you don’t want to get used to having this time. Be prepared and in the mindset that you have a job, and make your day a job. Make an effort when you get dressed, have a nice shower and make yourself presentable. This will give you the confidence at the start to conquer your day and will give you the vision of success. Which leads me on to point 2. . .

2). Give your day a purpose! The one thing that gets me down is feeling that I’m useless and not making good use of my time. When you wake up early, give yourself time to write out a plan for the day. Write out a list of at least 2 things that you need to do to get you to your final goal, and why it’s important that you do them. When you give your day a purpose, you’ll feel that you aren’t wasting your time and you won’t feel as restless.

3). Don’t be hard on yourself! Finding a job is a difficult task in itself. It takes a lot of time and sometimes doesn’t happen as quick as you want it to. It can make you feel ashamed, embarrassed, and like a failure. When my partner is at work and I’m at home by myself, I feel so guilty that I’m not earning money to help pay the rent. But it’s fine to be unemployed and looking, it’s okay for job hunting to take a little while to find one. Instead of sitting around and feeling sorry for yourself, get out there and hand out your CVs. If you are giving 110% you have nothing to feel ashamed about.

4). Don’t give up! Everybody has a goal or an ideal job they want to go for. Don’t give up going for it even if you feel like it. Use each application and interview as a lesson to improve and as a step further to achieving and reaching your dreams. It will happen, but like I said it will also take time. When you feel like giving up, count down from 5 and PUSH yourself. This idea was derived from Mel Robbins, I would highly recommend watching her TEDx Talk or even buying her book ‘The 5 Second Rule’. It changed my life, and I will be doing a review on her book very shortly! Remember, you DESERVE the job you WANT!

5). Use this time to self-improve! Do you have a hobby you’ve been putting off for a while? Want to start exercising, start writing a book, or a blog (wink wink), but you’ve always had the excuse that you’re ‘too busy’? Well now you have no excuse! Use this time to develop skills that you may not have done before. Improve yourself, start exercising and meditating. What about that cupboard that has needed a good sort out for what seems like forever? What’s your excuse now? You’ll feel so much better for it, and what better time to start now?

I hope you found these tips helpful! I’m sure you’ll find a job soon but take this time to enjoy yourself and your free time. You can still be just as productive!

Have a good day guys, and let me know what your tips are to deal with unemployment?

Love, Jodie xx

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Hello everyone and welcome to my blog! Thank you for checking out my post, I really appreciate it! I have had my fair share of interviews, and I treat each one as a lesson on how to improve. These are

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