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  • Writer's pictureJodie Louise


Hello everyone and welcome to my blog! Thank you for checking out my post, I really appreciate it!

I have had my fair share of interviews, and I treat each one as a lesson on how to improve. These are my go-to tips and tricks on how to do well at a job interview! So, without further ado: let’s get started!


Before your interview starts, make sure to re-read the job description and the person specification (what they are expecting from the employee). This will allow you to remember the key words that they are looking for, which will enhance your possibility of having a successful interview. It will also impress the interviewer that you took the time to really consider what they are looking for.

2. RESEARCH THE COMPANY In a lot of the interviews that I’ve been on, the interviewer asks, either or both, what I know about the company and/or why I want to work for that company. Researching the company beforehand will really help you answer these questions because you already have a background of what they do, their values and their policies, and how that will help you achieve your own goals. This will also help you with the key words as you can get to grips with their values and include them in your answers.

3. SHOW CONFIDENCE – EVEN IF YOU DON’T FEEL IT! Stand and sit up straight, be the first one to offer your hand to shake and speak slow and clearly. Not only will this look good for the interviewer, but it will also make YOU feel good! Confidence is a skill, not a personality trait, and it will only develop if you put it into practice! When you start practicing confidence, you will start having actual confidence. Remember, being scared means you are doing something brave and out of your comfort zone so when it comes to your next interview, you can tell yourself “well I’ve already done one interview and came out fine,” – it’s PROOF that you CAN DO IT!

4. SET OUT YOUR GOALS Remember how this job will affect your future career goals, and how it will affect your life now. Keeping your goals in mind will give you the motivation and ambition to do well in your interview. A question that I have been asked a lot is where I see myself in 5 years’ time, so having my goals already set out helps me with this. For example, my goals in 5 years’ time is to have finished my masters degree to move onto my PHD, and have some good experience in the field that I want to move into, as well as developing my career to enhance my skills. A top tip when thinking of your goals is to write them down. It’s something that you can look back on and it’s a physical reminder of what you’re working so hard for.


It’s very difficult not to think of the ‘what if’s. ‘What if I don’t get it?’ ‘What if I’m not good at the job?’ ‘What if they don’t like me?’

This tip is simple, but not easy. Do not worry about the outcome of the interview. If you are pre-occupied with the what ifs, then you can’t focus on the task at hand which is making sure you are smashing this interview! If you feel yourself start to question and doubt yourself, envision you getting the job and turn the nerves into excitement. If you don’t get the job, remember to ask for feedback so you know how to improve for next time!

I hope you enjoyed the post and the tips have helped you prepare and feel confident! Remember to practice the interview questions first, dress smartly, take a deep breath and smash it! You can do it, and you deserve it!

Thank you so much for reading!

Jodie xx

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