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  • Writer's pictureJodie Louise


Hello all and welcome to my blog! Thank you for visiting!

I was recently tagged by a lovely and talented blogger called Becoming Elysia (visit her blogpost here: to take part in this award. As I’m new to blogging and I don’t have many contacts, I am so thrilled and grateful to be tagged to complete this post!

So, to complete the tag I will be answering 11 questions that she has made up and tag 7 people to also answer questions that I will be making up. As I’ve said, I don’t have many contacts so I will tag bloggers that I follow and enjoy. Let’s get started!

1). What made you decide to start blogging? I was actually inspired to do this by my favourite vlogger and YouTuber Lousie Pentland (SprinkleOfGlitter). Writing this blog has become an amazing creative outlet for me and it’s something I’m really proud of. I was feeling quite down and didn’t have much to look forward to, but being able to plan and write these posts have given me something to get excited about and it’s a great confident booster.

2). What are your goals for the future?

For those who don’t know, I am currently a forensic psychology student. I want to go into clinical psychology once I’ve finished my further education, and I want to build an online platform that offers counselling services to those who don’t want to go to the doctor’s, or don't receive the correct support. I want to help people live their best lives, and accomplish their dreams.

3). If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? I would love to see the Northern Lights in Iceland. I think it’s such a special and amazing phenomenon and I’d love to witness it. I actually achieved my travel dream of going to a Greek Island last year when I went to Rhodes for a week. My nanny had always said such high things about Crete that I wanted to visit one of the islands so last year my partner and I just thought “why the hell not?” and booked a holiday to Rhodes. It was our first holiday together and I loved it, so if I never got to travel again then I would be happy knowing I had that holiday.

4). If you could only read one book for the rest of your life, what would you read? Easy answer. ‘The 5 Second Rule’ by Mel Robbins. It has helped me out in ways that I couldn’t explain and has had a massive improvement on my life. You can see my review on it here for a better explanation:

5). Who is the kindest person you know? Definitely my mum. She sacrificed so much for my sisters and me to have a good life. She’s so patient and caring and will put other’s needs above her own. She is the best listener and is always there to give advice. She doesn’t see bad in people and is so warm-hearted. If I were ever to be a mum and was like her, I know my kids would have the best life and I would be extremely proud of myself.

6). What is your pet peeve? I have a lot of pet peeves. The most recent one that has gotten on my nerves is people not using their indicators while driving. Sorry, I haven’t learned how to read people’s minds so unless you use the magic stick on the side of the steering wheel to tell me which direction you are planning on going, I DO NOT KNOW! And then they beep at you! Oh my god, please.

7). What is your biggest accomplishment to date? My Open University degree! I am halfway through it at the moment, and in my last module I achieved over 80% in all of my assignments (apart from the end of module assignment where I got 78%). I’m totally independent of my studies, so knowing that I’m getting these grades literally by myself makes me really proud. Especially since last year I went through huge anxiety attacks and a lot of issues at work.

8). Dogs or cats? Why? Dogs! I have always had dogs, I grew up with them. They’re so loyal, they love you unconditionally, they take care of you. I can go on. I just love them. Couldn’t do without them.

9). If you were in Hogwarts, what house will you be in? It has been scientifically proven, by our old friends on the Pottermore website, that I am indeed a Ravenclaw. I completely agree! I am a dedicated student and ambitious. I think I would fit into Ravenclaw very well. In fact, in Primark they have a Ravenclaw jumper that I have seriously considered buying. Can't say I'm not dedicated.

10). If you were an animal, what animal do you think you’ll be? Probably a cat, to be honest. I’m independent but love to have attention from those who I love. I’m friendly but cautious and curious. I also like the idea of sleeping all day!

11). What is your main passion in life? I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again. I want people to live their best lives. I want people to be happy, I want people to achieve their dreams, and I want people to feel like they have control.

So, that’s my Sunshine Blogger Award answers! I hope you enjoyed them! Here are the people who I would love to read their tag and think they would have interesting answers:

My 11 questions that I would like you guys to answer are: 1). What are your future goals for the blog? 2). What do you do outside of blogging? 3). Glass half full or half empty? 4). What is something you’ve always wanted to do, but never did? 5). What did you want to be as a child? 6). What/who inspires you the most? 7). What is one piece of advice you would give to your younger self? 8). If you could have one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be? 9). What do you like most about yourself? 10). How do you relax and relieve stress? 11). Books or films? Why?

Have fun and I hope you enjoy answering them as much as I enjoyed answering mine! Tag me so I can read your responses!

Thank you,

Love always, Jodie xx

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